Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cloudy, Cool & Gray Today

A very cloudy, cool day, but I guess for December 1st, it's not too bad. Most of the country is freezing, so I think we can handle 72! The garden is in the 'shut down' mode. Most everything is loosing the leaves and only a few annuals are still in bloom. There are a few perennials that bloom around this time that are beautiful now. Guess we need to plant more of them to fill in the gap between fall and spring in Central FL.  Not really winter, but not much thrives during this time.  Can't wait for Feb to come around!

First attempt at growing this species and it has been a great success! All seeds germinated and the plants are all mature and ready to bloom.  This is the first flower to open fully and is spectacular - 2 1/2" in diameter - very uniform orange color.  Hoping it's a good self-seeder or at the very least we're able to collect and re-sow seeds for more plants.

(Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I got back late from Tallahassee yesterday, so I didn't have much time to do anything other than wander a bit and take a few shots.

We did plant a few more seeds this morning, including some "giant" marigolds that I collected seeds from when last at Mom's in October.  They aren't really the large head marigolds. They are a variety of the smaller, solid yellow marigolds. I purchased a tray of them at Lowes in the spring when I planted Mom's garden.  I was shocked how large the flower heads had gotten over the summer, so I took a handful of seeds and brought them back to FL. 
"Mom's Marigolds"
I planted one tray with Osmocote in the soil and one without.  Tony constantly battles with me about putting it in with seeds.  I tell him " it's time release, it won't hurt a thing" and I believe it helps the seedlings from the get-to.  We'll see which tray does better.  Also put in some 4 year old mixed color 4 O'clock seeds - not sure they'll germinate, but no harm in trying.  We have many pink and yellow, but it'll be nice to start a few others. 

I took a few more pictures this morning.  I tried to catch some blooms of things I haven't previously posted.  Here's this weekend's findings:

Datura (Angel Trumpets)


 Brunfelsia Grandiflora
(Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow)

Cosmos "Click"


Yellow Four O'Clocks

Burgundy Pansy

The cooler temps have the Poinsettias already "blooming"

Giant Yellow Shrimp Plant

Mixed Zinnia that just started growing by the lanai - thought they'd all be one color from a
fallen seed head - but they are all shades!

These are a few new varieties we've planted recently
Beautiful irregular petals - the color depends on the flower's age and the angle and
I guess one's own opinion - pink, orange, salmon? Very nice, regardless of what you might call it. 

"Profusion" -Double White
A few shots from around the back garden
From the lanai across the pool
The lanai looking to the fountain & fish pond

The meadow looking towards the woods -

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Haven't written in a while since not much has been going on in the garden recently. A few new flowers and those seedlings we started on 9/28 & 10/6 have all been put in and are flowering. I sowed a tray of black-eyed susans from the seed heads of some already in the garden hoping to get some more plants without having to pay Lowes $8-10 per plant! Craziness!!

Here are some pics from this weekend.'
Saturday's Sunrise

The Goldfish Pond
New Blooms
Yep .. That's a clematis ... in NOVEMBER!
 The Click Cosmos - Pink & Burgundy

Red Hybrid Hibiscus

Yellow Milkweed

Red Castor "Fruit"

Black-Eyed Susan
