It's been a week since I've spent much time out in the garden. Work had me traveling again this past week. Here are a few pics from this morning walk around the gardens.
Cassia |
Angelonia |
Beach Morning Glory |
Beach Morning Glories |
Blackberry Vinca |
Cassia |
Candlestick Cassia |
Dwarf Royal Poinciana |
Dwarf Royal Poinciana |
Dwarf Royal Poinciana |
Gomphrena |
Gomphrena |
Green Lynx Spider |
Honeysuckle |
Honeysuckle smelled so sweet this morning .. took me back to MD/PA in June when I was a teenager |
Purple Mexican Petunia |
Pink Mexican Petunia |
Orange Zinnia |
Persian Carpet Zinnia |
Persian Carpet Zinnia |
Starlight Rose Zinnia |
We've had fruit trees over the years and none have ever done much. Now we have a few that are actually producing...
Acerola Cherries with blossoms |
Guava - not quite ready, still on the tree |
Guava - just picked and opened - perfection!! |
Papaya |
The seedlings are growing soooo fast!
3 week old Janie Yellow Marigolds |
2 week old Click Cosmos - White, Pink & Rose |