Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's been a week since I've spent much time out in the garden. Work had me traveling again this past week.  Here are a few pics from this morning walk around the gardens.



Beach Morning Glory

Beach Morning Glories

Blackberry Vinca

Candlestick Cassia

Dwarf Royal Poinciana
Dwarf Royal Poinciana

Dwarf Royal Poinciana



Green Lynx Spider


smelled so sweet this morning .. took me back to MD/PA in June when I was a teenager
Purple Mexican Petunia

Pink Mexican Petunia

Orange Zinnia
Persian Carpet Zinnia

Persian Carpet Zinnia

Starlight Rose Zinnia

We've had fruit trees over the years and none have ever done much. Now we have a few that are actually producing...
Acerola Cherries with blossoms

Guava - not quite ready, still on the tree

Guava - just picked and opened - perfection!!

The seedlings are growing soooo fast!

3 week old Janie Yellow Marigolds

2 week old Click Cosmos - White, Pink & Rose

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Been traveling for work, so not much this past week from the garden.  There will be more later today or tomorrow, but for now, here's a gorgeous sunrise from the balcony, looking out over the garden & meadow.